25 aprilie 2024

Conferința Feminist Metaphilosophy: What Is It and Why do We Need It?, dr. Giovanna Miolli

Facultatea de Istorie și Filosofie prin Departamentul de Filosofie și Centrul de Filosofie Aplicată vă invită la conferința intitulată Feminist Metaphilosophy: What Is It and Why do We Need It? susținută de către Dr. Giovanna Miolli (Universitatea din Padova). Evenimentul va avea loc joi, 25 aprilie 2024, de la ora 18.00, pe platforma Zoom.

We are delighted to invite you to join the on-line talk Feminist Metaphilosophy: What Is It and Why do We Need It? by Dr. Giovanna Miolli (University of Padua), on Thursday, April 25 at 6 p.m. The event is hosted by the Department of Philosophy/Centre for Applied Philosophy at the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Abstract and connection details below.

Abstract: The aim of my talk is to argue for feminist metaphilosophy as a form of critical metaphilosophy with anti-oppressive and social transformation purposes. As a first step, I will provide a brief overview of the categories used in contemporary debate to define metaphilosophy and discuss their limitations. On that basis, I will propose the notion of ‘critical metaphilosophy’ and examine how and why feminist theorizing on philosophy can be an example of it. I will analyze the main features of a feminist metaphilosophy, highlighting how it contributes to transforming the way we think and practice philosophy toward an anti-oppressive direction. As a conclusion, I will emphasize two aspects: on the one hand, feminist metaphilosophical reflection helps to rethink the categories of contemporary metaphilosophical debate; on the other hand, the clarification of their own metaphilosophical role enables feminist philosophies to reconceptualize themselves.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 899 9571 4732
Passcode: 754787